Merkle Proof Helper Functions

  • get_power_of_two_ceil(x)
    • Get the power of 2 for given input, or the closest higher power of 2 if the input is not a power of 2.

    • Commonly used for "how many nodes do I need for a bottom tree layer fitting x elements?"

    • Example: 0->1, 1->1, 2->2, 3->4, 4->4, 5->8, 6->8, 7->8, 8->8, 9->16.

      See Pseudocode
      def get_power_of_two_ceil(x: int) -> int:
          if x <= 1:
              return 1
          elif x == 2:
              return 2
              return 2 * get_power_of_two_ceil((x + 1) // 2)

  • get_power_of_two_floor(x)
    • Get the power of 2 for given input, or the closest lower power of 2 if the input is not a power of 2.

    • The zero case is a placeholder and not used for math with generalized indices.

    • Commonly used for "what power of two makes up the root bit of the generalized index?"

    • Example: 0->1, 1->1, 2->2, 3->2, 4->4, 5->4, 6->4, 7->4, 8->8, 9->8

      See Pseudocode
      def get_power_of_two_floor(x: int) -> int:
          if x <= 1:
              return 1
          if x == 2:
              return x
              return 2 * get_power_of_two_floor(x // 2)