Composite Types

Composite Types are types that can hold multiple values at the same time, with usage similar to that of a struct in popular programming languages.

The SSZ specs describe 4 composite types:

  • Vectors
    • "Fixed Length" sequence of elements of same Type
    • Homogeneous
  • Lists
    • "Variable Length" sequence of elements of the same Type
    • Homogenous
  • Containers
    • Ordered collection of elements
    • Hetrogeneous
  • Union
    • A "Union Type" containing SSZ Types

These types are distinguised by their size (fixed or variable)
And whether their contents are homogeneous or heterogeneous

A composite object is considered fixed size if:
  • all of the contained elements are fixed size
  • type has a fixed element count (e.g. Lists cannot be fixed size)

A composite object is homogeneous if
  • its contents are all of one type
A composite object is heterogeneous if
  • it contains multiple types.


A Vector is a sequence of elements, all of the same type T, and of fixed length N.

  • Type:
    • Vector[T, N]
  • Default value:
    • [default(T)] * N
    • All elements set to their default value
  • Empty Vectors:
    • Empty vectors (N = 0) are illegal types, even if the element type T is dynamic length.
    • This is to avoid fixed-length types of 0 length, which break various size assumptions in deserialization.
  • Serialization:
    • Serialized and deserialized like a Sequence of the values, all of type T.
  • Merkleization


A List is a sequence of elements, all of the same type T, and can be any length from 0 to N (inclusive).

  • Type:
    • List[T, N]
  • Default value:
    • [], i.e. empty list.
  • List Limits
    • The maximum list length is preset as N and called the "list limit".
    • This limit is preset for two primary reasons:
      1. Stable merkleization: there are no variable numbers in the hash-tree-root definition.
      2. Strong guarantees on inputs: lists should never contain more elements than their limit states it was designed for.
  • Serialization
    • Serialized and deserialized like a Sequence of the values, all of type T.
    • The limit of the list should be enforced, to ensure that no more than N elements are serialized or deserialized.
    • A list is by definition variable-size, but this does not necessarily mean that its elements are.
  • Merkleization
    • The contents subtree (not including the length mix-in) is padded to fit the limit of the bitlist.
    • root = mix_in_num(merkle_subtree(chunkify(values), limit=chunk_count(List[T, N])), length),
    • see merkle_subtree,
    • chunkify, chunk_count and mix_in_num.


Containers are ordered sequences of values of any type

  • Type:
    • Container[(<K_i>: <T_i>)]
    • A Container is a predefined sequence of fields, each field can be defined as any type T_i independently from the other fields, and is identified by a unique (relative to the other fields) name K_i.
  • Default value:
    • Container[(<K_i>: <T_i>)](default(T_i)...), i.e. all fields set to their default value.
  • Empty Container:
    • An empty container, i.e. 0 fields, is an illegal type. Fixed-length types cannot have a 0 length serialized representation.
  • Serialization
    • Serialized and deserialized like a Sequence of the fields, each of their own type T_i.
  • Merkleization (container)


Unions provide the ability to represent a set of predetermined types in the same tree and serialization position.

  • Type:
    • Union[type_0, type_1, ...]
    • e.g. union[null, uint64]
  • Default Value:
    • Default value of type_0
  • Null Types:
    • A special null type may be used as first type parameter to emulate an Option, any other type parameter than the first MUST not be null.
    • A null as a standalone type is illegal.
  • Size:
    • A Union is considered to have a dynamic encoding-size, even if all the selectable options have the same type or happen to have the same serialized byte length.
  • Serialization
    • uint32 for the type index
    • Followed by the serialization of the selected option.
    • null is represented as an empty byte sequence
  • Merkleization
    • mix_in_num(x, i)
      • where x is the root of the selected option with index i
      • Right-padded to 32 bytes, effectively a uint256